速寫本的選擇 (Selection of Notebook)
I select the notebooks according to their papers. Different paper causes different painting effect. On my own experience, thick paper can withstand the wrinkles after absorbing water, and it's suitable to be used in watercolor painting. In addition, the texture of paper also need to be considered. Currently, I use 2 kinds of notebooks.
速寫本 A (專門用於麥可筆速寫) Sketchbook A (for markers)
The size is 22X15 cm, and there are 50 pages. I don' know its brand, and it's probably sold in Tainan. But because the thickness of paper is not enough, it isn't suitable for watercolor.
速寫本 B和 C(專門用於水彩速寫) Sketchbook B (for watercolor)
為Moleskine公司所出品的Sketch book,可在誠品書局買到。此速寫本厚度足夠不容易起皺,且表面上了一層膠,上色時可以產生特殊的質感,相當適合用來畫水彩。我使用了大小兩種尺寸,分別為21X13cm與14X9cm。使用小速寫本的目的在於輕便,相當適合做快速的紀錄。因為出外旅遊常常時間並不是充裕的讓人可慢慢的寫生。不過此筆記本的缺點為無法使用麥克筆,因為顏色會透到紙張的背面,使背面無法使用。此外高昂的價格也讓人卻步,大本售價為750元,小本售價為500元,連筆者也足足想了快一個月才下定決心購買。
I use Moleskine sketchbook for watercolor sketching. It has thick papers that can withstand the wrinkles after applying water. Meanwhile, the smooth surface of paper make it easy creating special texture. I bought two sizes of notebook, 21X13cm and 14X9cm for different need. The advance of small notebook is convenience, and it's suitable doing quick recording. The only shortcoming is its expensive price.
You can also select the other chipper watercolor notebook.
速寫本 A的內頁
Sketch A's inside.
速寫本 B和C (Moleskine Sketch Book) 的內頁
Sketch B and C's insides.
畫筆的選擇(Selection of Pens)
麥克筆速寫 (Markers)
使用Copic Sketch 麥克筆的原因為此筆有做雙頭的設計,硬頭可用於畫塊狀的筆觸,軟頭可用於不同顏色的混色。此外由於筆的顏色不會太過濃郁,因此能夠輕易的處理畫面裡漸層的變化。目前使用的Copic Sketch型號為:
I use Copic Sketch Markers for its dual head (Soft and hard heads).
Chamois E35
Black 100
Salmon Red R05
Grass Green YG17
Marine Green YG99
Lavender V06
Cardinal R59
Walunt E59
Pale Olive YG95
Pea Green YG63
Lipstick Red R29
Mint Green BG13
Sand E33
Napoli Yellow Y19
Cyanine Blue B16
Smoky Blue B45
Prussian Blue B39
Toner Gray No.5 T5
I also used small black marker with dual head for sketching the outline. In addition, correction fluid is used for painting the highlight of picture.
水彩速寫 (Watercolor)
I use water brush. The body of water brush can store the water, and it's handy pinching the water out. Therefore, it frees me from bring the water bottle.
畫輪廓的部分使用0.2與0.5的代針筆。建議可購買Faber-Castell 這個牌子。
0.2 and 0.5 technical pens are in charge of the outline. You can buy Faber-Castell.
I also use pencil painting the outline. The ink brush is for the final touch-up, and it can paint some special strokes.