
2013.03.20-檳城半天小旅遊 (half day trip in Penang)

這幾天整理了大約半年前第一次在檳城寫生的作品。主要使用了麥克筆加上少量的水彩,風格和現在的作品相差很大。寫生的時間是拜訪客戶後要回台灣的那一天,由於是下午五點半的飛機,因此還有莫約半天的時間可以逛逛,因此我拿起了畫筆和畫本,在旅館(Bay View)附近隨意的亂逛,看到漂亮的景色就停下來速寫。

Yesterday I arranged the works sketched in Penang 6 months ago. I sketched with markers and a little watercolor, and the style was so different from now. The trip was in the last day in Penang. Because I took 17:30 flight back to Taiwan, there was still half day for looking around. Therefore, I went out and sketched nearby the hotel.

中午check out之後,請計程車司機載我到姓周橋和邱公司參觀,順便畫了兩張,之後才到機場等待搭機回台灣。
After check out at noon, taxi driver took me visiting Chew Jetty and Khoo Kongsi, then took me to airport.

此小遊記可分為三個部分 (Travelogue has 3 chapters)
(1) 速寫作品( Sketch works),Link to Album
(2) 寫生用具準備&經驗分享 (Preparation of tools & experience sharing)
(3) 半天小旅遊 (half day trip)

(Preparation of tools & experience sharing)


You can refer to Pens and notebooks and Other tools . I didn't use too much watercolor. It was only used in painting part of the background. I sketched mainly with markers and used correction fluid to touch up the works, such as painting highlight.

我覺得麥克筆最有趣的地方在於搭配軟硬雙頭的設計,能夠畫出塊狀或是像毛筆一樣的筆觸,十分的具有特色。此外,使用麥克筆的優點是作畫速度可以非常快。通常完成一張水彩速寫約需要20~30 min的時間,但若是改用麥克筆速寫,可以縮短到10~20 min或甚至更快,以前在日本速寫旅行時,我甚至只花了5 min就完成一張大阪城的速寫。

The most interesting thing of marker is the dual head design. This design allows me painting with beautiful color lump or ink-brush-like strokes.In addition, using marker can significantly shorten the sketching time from 20~30 min (watercolor) to 10~20 min or even faster. I used to finish a sketch of Osaka fort with markers just in 5 min.

半天小旅遊 (Half day trip)

Bay View

This is the work sketched in first day visiting Penang. Because my room faced the sea, I sketched this seascape.

張弼士故居( Cheong Fatt Tze Mansion)


In the day flying back to Taiwan, I explored in the lanes nearby Cheong Fatt Tze Mansion and sketched this charming morning street view. 

It is common seeing tourists take jinrikishas in Penang.


I walked to Cheong Fatt Tze Mansion. Because didn't have enough time,  I sketched 2 works outside without visiting inside. Then, I went to the other place nearby the hotel.

Nearby Bay View 

我在飯店附近的街道發現一整排古色古香的房子,陽光灑落在大街上的景像讓我心醉神怡,於是速寫之。作畫時有一個伊朗的遊客經過,她被我的畫吸引後便和我攀談。完成作品後回到飯店準備check out,並搭計程車到檳城的其它地方參觀。

I discovered a quaint street nearby the hotel. The sun shine in the street is so compelling. When I was sketching, one Iran tourist passed by me and talked with me for a while. After finishing the work, I went back to hotel for checking out, and took the taxi to next two spots.

龍山堂邱公司 (Leong San Tong Khoo Kongsi)


Leong San Tong Khoo Kongsi was the first place visited. It is one of the most distinctive Chinese clan association in Malaysia.This association has extensive lineage that can be traced back 650 years ago. It is well know for its magnificent clan temple. I sketched the mosque tower outside first, then looked around in  Khoo Kongsi.

姓周橋  (Chew Jetty)


The last spot was Chew Jetty. There was a vendor sold artistic postcards at the entrance. I chatted and shared my works with him, and he loved them.  After looking around, I departed for airport, and the half day trip was also over. I got a memorable sketching experience that day. I decided to stay one more day next time, otherwise it will be very very regrettable!

1 則留言:

  1. 你好~很喜歡這種麥克筆色塊的畫風!!
