
2014.04.26-安平老屋速寫 (Sketch of old house in Anping)

為了準備展覽的作品,上禮拜我重遊了安平的小巷弄,而每一次的速寫散步都會有不一樣的驚喜。這張作品的主角是一棟由兩百年老屋所改建的咖啡屋 "舊烘爐",斑駁的磚瓦似乎在述說著歷史的痕跡。這裡和大家分享這幅速寫的作畫過程。

In order to preparing sketch works for exhibition, I revisited Anping last week (Anping is a district in Tainan City). There is always surprising in the old lanes of Anping. The subject of my work is a 200-year-old house in traditional Min Nan Style (Min Nan is in south China ). Now this old house becomes a cafe called "Jiu-Hong-Lu". In this article, I am going to share the whole painting process. 

作畫時間(Time) : 50 min
使用工具(Tools) : 鉛筆, 水彩 (Pencil and watercolor)

作畫過程 (Step-by-step Painting)

1 先以鉛筆打稿。
Sketch the outline with pencil.

2 以黃色+些許藍色調出背景底色,以橘色畫屋頂,以紫色混紅色畫房子的第一層。
Paint the background with (yellow + a little blue). Use orange in roof and (purple + red) in the first layer of house.

3 將其它留白的區域塗上顏色,並調出更深的顏色畫出房子的第二層。
Fill the other blanks with colors and use deeper colors to paint the second layer of house.

4 在留白的地方畫出更多色塊來豐富整個畫面。
Paint more colors in blank region to enrich the picture.

5 用黑色畫第三層色塊,這時作品的完程度已經很高了。
Use black to paint third layer of picture. Now my work is going to be done.

6 以藍色與黃色調出淺灰色,然後將剩下的留白(椅子和桌子)畫完。
Mix blue and yellow to create light gray, and use it to fill the rest blanks (chairs and table) of the picture.

7 完成作品。 The process is over.

