使用現成水彩畫本最大的問題不外乎幾點,(1) 價格太高(2)張數太少(3)不滿意紙張。自製筆記本的好處除了低成本外,最重要的是能夠使用自己喜歡的紙張,並隨意安排畫作呈現的順序。整本畫完後,還能夠自行更換紙張。現在就趕快來和大家分享昨天製作速寫本的經驗囉~
The shortcomings of using ready-made watercolor sketchbook are : (1) High price (2) Sheets aren't enough (3) Paper doesn't meet our requirement. Therefore, it should be good if we can make our own watercolor sketchbook. There are a lot of advantages, such as cost efficiency, using the papers we are familiar with and be able to arrange the order of works in sketchbook. In this article, I share my experience of making a watercolor sketchbook.
材料準備&成本計算 (Materials & Cost)