這幾天整理了大約半年前第一次在檳城寫生的作品。主要使用了麥克筆加上少量的水彩,風格和現在的作品相差很大。寫生的時間是拜訪客戶後要回台灣的那一天,由於是下午五點半的飛機,因此還有莫約半天的時間可以逛逛,因此我拿起了畫筆和畫本,在旅館(Bay View)附近隨意的亂逛,看到漂亮的景色就停下來速寫。
Yesterday I arranged the works sketched in Penang 6 months ago. I sketched with markers and a little watercolor, and the style was so different from now. The trip was in the last day in Penang. Because I took 17:30 flight back to Taiwan, there was still half day for looking around. Therefore, I went out and sketched nearby the hotel.